Feng Shui Consulting Services

Listen to my interview on tunein.com

To feel at home

Is to have…

A harmonious place where the energy flows, where you feel secure and supported. A place where you can restore, relax and create . A place that is you, just you and the other members of your family, including your precious pet/s who share this place you call home. All of you sharing the same energy field or space and living in harmony.

And what about feeling at home with yourself?

Finally, being able to express intentions and manifest them to enhance your life and the lives of everybody around you- for all to feel energized and empowered.

Feng Shui can help you release all these negative energies that are blocking you from achieving what you want to be and being who you truly are. Negative energies could be residual from previous owners or those that you or other family members may have created. These blocks are imprinted in your space and are constantly reinforced in the witnessing of it. By working on your environment (shared by your beloved family and pet’s), a skilled Feng Shui consultant can change the settings, and according to your goals, allow you to express intentions, and support you in the manifestation of them. Services

cat playing pet playing


To have a pet is considered good Feng Shui:

  • It brings life into your home and move the qi (life energy)
  • It brings love and affection. Stroking your pet lowers heart rates, blood pressure and stress level.    

You have created a bond with your animal/s: you gave her a name, you care for his needs, you provide them love. In return, they love you unconditionally; they also provide you companionship and support. They are a vital part of your household, a member of your family and, as such, they share the same energy field. All animals are very sensitive to their environment and may provide a great deal of information to the Feng Shui consultant. Since Feng Shui acts on the environment, the flow of energy within a place, and the energy field shared by pets and owner/s, it can help restore harmony and balance, and be  beneficial for both pets and their owner/s. ​

Start making your home a better place for your pet by requesting your free Feng Shui tips for pet. Fill out the form located on the sidebar or go to Contact